This page is a collection of tricks I use to get my latex publishing going. How to Shrink Your Paper / Thesis: When you’re submitting papers to conferences or journals, …
How To: Simulate Laser Scanner (Lidar) on IRobot Create/Roomba in ROS Gazebo
Following up from my previous post, I wanted to simulate an IRobot Create with a hokuyo laser mounted on it. I needed this to get my motion planning simulation up …
How To: Tracking ArUco markers using a USB Webcam and ROS
For my research I needed to setup ROS to use ArUco so that I could track these ArUco markers placed randomly in the environment and localize my robot. Assuming that …
How To: USB Web Cam with ROS Indigo
There’s no clear instructions for how to actually get your usb webcam image in ROS. Steps: 1. Install usb_cam ros package ($sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-usb-cam) 2. Create a launch file. …
How setup the Flip32 Flight Controller on a Mac/OSX
After spending an entire weekend I finally got my Flip32 (from working on my mac (Macbook Pro Retina 2014) running OS X 10.10.2. -> The issue with the drivers …
Low Latency Video Streaming from Raspberry Pi and Camera Module
So I’ve been trying to get my raspberry pi to stream video to my laptop with as low latency as possible because I intend to use it as an FPV …
How to use iRobot Create with ROS Indigo and Gazebo
This is an update to my previous post on setting up an iRobot Create/Roomba in Gazebo/ROS for the new ROS distro Indigo. Steps : 1. Follow the ROS instruction guidelines …
Shortest path on a grid – Dijkstra/Dynamic Programming in C++
I was asked by an interviewer from Microsoft (internship interview) to write code to determine the minimum steps/shortest path on a grid from some start to some goal, since this …
How to use irobot create in gazebo with ROS hydro?
I’ve not been able to find any clear examples on how to achieve a simple simulation which involves moving a virtual model of an iRobot Create/Roomba in Gazebo using ROS …