SuiteSparse by Tim Davis is a high quality sparse linear algebra library written in C that provides CHOLMOD which allows you to solve Ax=b ( in MATLAB CHOLMOD is used for …
A practical introduction to pose-graph SLAM with ROS
Note: This is a live article and as I get time I will update it… In this post, we are going to understand the pose-graph SLAM approach with ROS where …
How To: Get ground truth pose data in ROS Gazebo
Sometimes you might need to get the robot’s actual position to compare your state estimation code. Copy paste the contents of this file (plugin_code) into your urdf description file. It …
How To: Running Ubuntu and ROS in a Virtual Machine on macOS / OS X with 3D Acceleration (Gazebo)
I primarily use a Mac for my work, but since a I do a lot of robotics I have to switch over to Ubuntu to use ROS. Having a linux …
The Best Way to Convert Latex Math Equations into Word Equations
Sometimes you just have to face the absolute horror of having to convert your beautiful latex documents into word. As an engineer your biggest worry is, oh crap, will my …
How To: Get depth (X,Y,Z) of a 2D pixel from PointCloud2 or Kinect Data
Surprisingly there is no clear cut instruction anywhere. My questions was, if I tracked an image feature from the Kinect, how would I know its 3D position? I wanted to …
How To: Setup Turtlebot Simulator in ROS with Gazebo
Important note: Do not buy parts or equipment from Dabit Industries, they are extremely incompetent and will take ages to ship parts that will be incomplete and you’ll be left …
How To Setup Kinect with ROS and RGBD SLAM
I recently setup a Kinect with ROS for SLAM but the instructions are all spread out. So, in this tutorial we go through the steps required to setup a Microsoft …
Fix vim keyboard problems in Mac OSX
Getting vim to work correctly on Mac can be pretty useful. touch ~/.vimrc Then open vim and do :set backspace=indent,eol,start
How To: Setup Ubuntu on MacBook Pro 2015
Update: In this post I talk about how to setup an Ubuntu virtual machine on a mac. I recently setup up ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a new 2015 MacBook Pro …